
Today’s Citizens Must Equip Themselves For The Technological Future

Today’s Citizens Must Equip Themselves For The Technological Future

Today, data and algorithms have influence over everything from our democracy, to our homes, to our work. We are in an era of seemingly unlimited technological progress and the speed of innovation requires citizens to be engaged in non-partisan learning and discussion. We don’t have to know everything but we need to know enough to think critically and ask questions about the technologies being developed, as well as be able to hold accountable the individuals and organizations creating them.

Seattle Job Opportunities

Hi Seattle! I have had a couple of job opportunities come on to my radar that I wanted to share with my network. Specifically, the following roles: assistant to a jewelry designer, junior, senior & associate designer (fashion), fashion intern, and executive admin at a local tech startup.

If you are interested in any of these positions please message me at with your resume and I can connect you with the hiring managers.



9e2 Seattle Exploring the Intersection of Art, Science, and Technology

As you all know I have been passionately exploring the realm of art and technology as of late. I recently applied for a grant to develop an Artist In Residence program for technology companies, and now I am excited to announce that I am collaborating with 9e2 Seattle to do a social media push for the upcoming event! If you have not heard about it, here is a little bit of information:

 9e2 is an art exhibition and performance series commemorating “9 Evenings: Theatre & Engineering,” an iconic exhibition 50 years ago in New York that sparked a new era of collaboration between artists, scientists, and engineers.

The original 9 Evenings was organized in 1966 by Robert Rauschenberg and Billy Klüver, and featured artists creating performances in collaboration with engineers from Bell Labs. Fifty years later, 9e2 embraces that same spirit of experimentation and collaboration with a new series of projects. Installations, nightly performances, and other events will explore the intersection of art, science, and technology. 

"The year 1966 saw a legendary and pivotal event in the history of technology-driven art. Called “9 Evenings: Theatre & Engineering,” the project brought together 10 artists and 30 scientists and engineers from Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Flash forward to 2016, the fiftieth anniversary of this iconic event: 9e2 teams artists with scientists and engineers, in a festival of performances, installations, exhibits, and discussions. By examining contemporary themes that are poised to change the way we experience life on this planet, 9e2 will shine a spotlight on the next 50 years.
9e2 draws together artists, engineers, and scientists from across the United States, as well as from Seattle’s art community, technology companies, and schools. We highlight and celebrate Seattle’s place as a center for creativity and exploration of new technologies, build connections between artists, scientists, and the community, and commemorate a half-century of the artistic traditions engendered by the original 9 Evenings. At the same time, we expect 9e2 to leave a forward-looking legacy: new work, new bonds between artists and technologists, new ways of looking at and using technology, and a new awareness of the interconnections between science, technology, and art." - About 9 Evenings and 9e2