
Uncommon Dinner at Brunswick and Hunt


I had the privilege of hosting a fantastic dinner at Brunswick and Hunt last week. I would say hosting this type of event is one of the highlights of my job. Bringing together a variety of influencers, from different industries and then seeing the synergy that happens always inspires me. The guests at this dinner were Jaime White, Olivia (@grubbinseattle), Charles (@CharlesKoh_) and Nelson (@nelson_yong). Each of us have a passion for food, but a variety of other interests which include Fashion, PR, Technology, and more!

Our menu included delicious house crafted cocktails, charcuterie and cheese, "grapes, grapes, grapes" salad, veggies, an entree of choice and shared dessert to top it all off.

Photo By: Nelson Yong
Photo By: Nelson Yong

Charcuterie & Cheese House Ham, Rillette Beef Tongue, Terrine (all made in house) Pate L’Explorateur, Wonderland, Moule Des Bergers, Cascadian Frechette, Bleu D’Auvergne

Photo By: Nelson Yong

Grapes, Grapes, Grapes Concorde, Red, & Green Walnut, Celery

Photo By: Nelson Yong

Petite Sirloin & Frites Wild Mushroom Butter, Demi

Photo By: Charles Koh, @charleskoh_

Conversation hit upon a flurry of tips about social media and photography tools such as:

  • iBlazr a "flash designed for smartphones also comes in handy when taking photos with tablets or DSLR cameras, lighting analogue photography, brightening nighttime video calls, or simply functioning as a small but powerful flashlight". The above photo was taken with the iBlazr under the bottle.
  • People Map an amazing platform to created targeted lists, manage campaigns and grow your Instagram following.
  • Iconosquare a tool to grow on Instagram with "easy-to-use analytics and time-saving features".
  • Planoly a way to visually map and plan out your Instagram feed.

As well as some exciting and unexpected restaurant recommendations Phorale Seattle, Terra Vista at Snoqualmie Casino for their“SRF Kobe” Tomahawk steak, and Billy Beach for sushi.

Overall the food was delicious and the conversation flowed freely. I am looking forward to the next Uncommon Dinner!

Check out Brunswick and Hunt's 2016 Thanksgiving menu here.

RSVP for Thanksgiving at Brunswick and Hunt via phone at (206) 946-1574.

Creative Convergence At The Curiosity Cabinet Evening, The RUINS, Seattle

Esther Maria Swaty (Uncommon Cartography) and Virginia Wyman (owner of The RUINS)

This past weekend Uncommon Cartography produced the Curiosity Cabinet Evening on behalf of The RUINS. The RUINS is a private dining club, as well as an event space with catering facilities (both are available to the public). The Curiosity Cabinet Evening saw a creative convergence which highlighted the synthesis which is happening between the art and tech communities in Seattle. Guests included everyone from engineers to boutique owners to film producers and makeup artists. Everyone arrived in spectacular fashion which ranged from Steampunk costumes to masks, to dashing suits and feathered headpieces.

Guests Looking Fabulous!
Steampunk Fashion
Producers at Attackships On Fire

Tasty bites including a house-made quince jam, charcuterie, petit fours and more were created by The RUINS in-house catering team. Delicious cocktails were crafted by Jesse Cutler, The RUINS wine steward, with vodka was from Glass Distillery and we served a red and white wine from Robert Ramsay Cellars.

Wine by Robert Ramsay Cellars
Delicious snacks created by The RUINS in house catering team.

The Curiosity Cabinet Evening was not your average networking event, rather it was developed in partnership with The RUINS to showcase an all too hidden and mostly unknown magical venue, as well as connect individuals who might not have normally had the chance to meet each other. The RUINS is entering a new chapter and this event was a preview of how a new generation, bridging with a legacy membership can infuse fresh energy into the storied venue.

Highlights of the evening included a surprise performance by Phi VoBa and his group of dancers, live painting by Jake Grahn, jewelry by Silver & Salt Co. and perfumery by Incensory. Here is a little information about each of our event partners:

Choreographer/Dancer Phi VoBa and dance crew
DJ in action :)


Connie Hu aka DJ U.NO.HU (you know Hu) lives and works in Seattle. You can find her providing the tunes at boutique stores such as Zebra Club and Likelihood, as well as local bars. When she is not DJing, she works for a marketing and event production company in Queen Anne and writes for LA based blog, Modern Vintage Life.

Live painting by Jake Grahn


Jacob Grahn was born and raised in the pacific northwest and has spent his time focusing on busy hands and helping hands. As a community taught artist from painting, wood-working, and music, he has gathered and paired educations based on personal time learning from local artists as well as teaching anyone who asks. Never afraid of a challenge, he chose to start a career with large scale projects to tell bigger than life stories.

Incensory Demonstration


Incensory is a new venture that deepens your connection with one of our most primordial senses; the sense of smell. A purist at heart, self-taught scent specialist and owner of Incensory, Eliam Puente, will introduce you to two of the most ancient and revered historical scents in their purest, natural form; frankincense and agarwood. Get a chance to see these natural gems in person, have a sniff, and learn a little about their history, how they are produced, and how they are used.


Jewelry by Silver & Salt, Photo By: Bobby Arispe Photography


At Silver + Salt, we draw inspiration from nature. Our creative ethos is based on the idea that there is exceptional beauty in things that are unique and even imperfect. Our minimalist designs are handcrafted and feature recycled metals and raw gemstones.

Blogger Conversations, Photo By: Bobby Arispe Photography

If you are interested in learning more about the Curiosity Cabinet Evening, how to participate in future events at The RUINS or opportunities to partner with Uncommon Cartography, please email

3D Image Creation Study

Hey Seattle - Message me if you are interested in the below and I can send you the complete details. Best, Esther

PARTICIPANT REQUIREMENTS You are 13 - 26 years old You have used some type of graphical or photo editing app within the past year You regularly use a Windows operating system You are interested in 3D image creation or editing using digital tools or software

STUDY DETAILS 2 hour sessions in Redmond, WA Sessions are taking place on Wednesday, October 12th - Friday, October 14th (full schedule shown in questionairre) We're providing $50 for participation in this study PLUS $50 for your parent/guardian if you are under the age of 18 and they accompany you to the session. If a parent/guardian cannot accompany you, you may instead bring a pre-signed NDA to your session.

9e2 Seattle Exploring the Intersection of Art, Science, and Technology

As you all know I have been passionately exploring the realm of art and technology as of late. I recently applied for a grant to develop an Artist In Residence program for technology companies, and now I am excited to announce that I am collaborating with 9e2 Seattle to do a social media push for the upcoming event! If you have not heard about it, here is a little bit of information:

 9e2 is an art exhibition and performance series commemorating “9 Evenings: Theatre & Engineering,” an iconic exhibition 50 years ago in New York that sparked a new era of collaboration between artists, scientists, and engineers.

The original 9 Evenings was organized in 1966 by Robert Rauschenberg and Billy Klüver, and featured artists creating performances in collaboration with engineers from Bell Labs. Fifty years later, 9e2 embraces that same spirit of experimentation and collaboration with a new series of projects. Installations, nightly performances, and other events will explore the intersection of art, science, and technology. 

"The year 1966 saw a legendary and pivotal event in the history of technology-driven art. Called “9 Evenings: Theatre & Engineering,” the project brought together 10 artists and 30 scientists and engineers from Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Flash forward to 2016, the fiftieth anniversary of this iconic event: 9e2 teams artists with scientists and engineers, in a festival of performances, installations, exhibits, and discussions. By examining contemporary themes that are poised to change the way we experience life on this planet, 9e2 will shine a spotlight on the next 50 years.
9e2 draws together artists, engineers, and scientists from across the United States, as well as from Seattle’s art community, technology companies, and schools. We highlight and celebrate Seattle’s place as a center for creativity and exploration of new technologies, build connections between artists, scientists, and the community, and commemorate a half-century of the artistic traditions engendered by the original 9 Evenings. At the same time, we expect 9e2 to leave a forward-looking legacy: new work, new bonds between artists and technologists, new ways of looking at and using technology, and a new awareness of the interconnections between science, technology, and art." - About 9 Evenings and 9e2

Art + Technology Synthesis: Feature Friday, Artist In Residence Program, and More!

“Finding and keeping talent is a hot topic across the Puget Sound region. More than 25,000 technology jobs in the state have remained open for at least six months.” - Puget Sound Business Journal, Feb 4, 2016

There is something unique bubbling up in Seattle at the intersection of art and technology. Employers have realized that they need to do more to attract and retain talent, as well as sustain a culture of experimentation in their companies. Innovation does not happen in a silo, the more an individual is exposed to new ideas and industries the greater the opportunity for adaptation. Artists have a unique skill set and are seeking new ways to engage in a city which has undergone a massive transformation in the last 5-10 years.

Processed with VSCO with a5 preset

As part of efforts to connect the local art and technology communities, I have been working on a series of events and projects. This past Friday, I collaborated with Nick Hughes of FoundersLIVE to host Feature Friday at The RUINS. The startup community converged, and it was exciting to see a new energy fill the magical venue.


In addition to this event, I have applied for a 4Culture grant for the development of an Art & Technology Innovation Program which would equip artists with the marketing and innovation tools needed to work with tech organizations. In recent years, we have seen National Parks to Facebook, to Autodesk, and Amtrak successfully launch artist in residence programs.


The Art & Tech Innovation Program would have a twofold purpose. First, the grant would create an Artist Innovation Marketing Tool Kit to empower artists to monetize their work and engage in today’s technology driven world. Second, this grant would fund the development of an Artist In Residence program geared towards bridging the relationship between artist and local technology companies. Who knows what synthesis could happen as these communities connect in a deeper way!


If you are interested in participating in the Artist In Residence program or would like to learn more, please email me at

Let's do this!
